Thursday, December 31, 2009

How Well Did You Live in 2009?

(Image: EPA)

As I reflect back on 2009, a lot of different emotions come to mind. Sadness, anger, fear, frustration. And anticipation at new beginnings.

Take a minute to read this post on This is Your Life Blog.

It includes 10 questions to contemplate as you begin 2010. What is your life plan? Why not get started now?

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Recovery - When?

Will the job search be easier when the economy shifts from recession to recovery? And maybe even more importantly, how will we know?

I recently came across a website,, that summarizes a great article from Gene Marks in BusinessWeek on this topic. Here are some signs that could indicate a shift to a recovery:

1. An improving Consumer Confidence Measure, released on the last Tuesday of the month.

2. Rising Commodity prices, which reflect an increase in demand for raw materials like steel and copper.

3. "Recovery" vs. "Recession" on Google Trends. "When the number of times 'Recovery' is mentioned exceeds the number of times the word 'Recession' is mentioned," he notes, "that means the media has now become bored with the 'Recession' and instead wants to talk about the 'Recovery.'"

The economy recovered in 1982 following the recession of 1980 - 1981.

Can the recovery for this recession be near?

Check out the entire BusinessWeek article here.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Staying Motivated During the Job Search

Ninety two days into the job search.

While the three months have passed with lightening speed, one of the biggest issues that I find my fellow friends "in transition" and I struggle with is motivation.

Obviously there's a huge carrot hanging in front of us when we awake each day - that phone call that will lead us to the next job interview. That job interview that will lead us to the next job offer. And finally, that shiney new job, the biggest carrot of all.

But still the question remains - how to stay motivated, day after day after day after 92 days.

A recent article on by Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio identifies several key tips to help. If you're not already practicing this approach, now is the time to get started. The article is worth the read, but here's a quick summary:

1. Keep all the business cards you receive organized. Remember that each card represents a person, so keep it personal. Communicate often with the people you've met, and if you've not yet asked them for additional contacts so you can continue to network, now is the time.

2. Challenge yourself with both small and large goals to keep the search moving. Small goals might include meeting 4-5 new contacts each week. Large goals could include 4-5 informational meetings each week. Supersize goals could include interview preparation, reading articles related to your field, volunteering.

3. Audit your progress and adapt as necessary. If the resume is not producing results, maybe the resume needs work. If the phone interview with HR doesn't lead to a phone interview with the hiring manager, maybe you need to brush up on your interviewing content and skills.

4. Take a break for yourself. Don't burn out before you reach the carrot. Take time every day to recharge your mind, your body, or your soul. You'll feel better, and more than likely you'll be more productive once you get back to the search.

Your carrot awaits.

Friday, April 3, 2009

It is Going to be OK

Ever have one of those days? One of the my favorite sites, All Things Lovely, featured this little pick me up from Etsy seller Studio Mela.

Seems easy right now for me to have a lot of "those days". But I'm doing my best to stay positive.

Earlier this week I attended a Rainmakers event, where I had the opportunity to hear one of my new favorite people, Lorraine Ball of Roundpeg, give her outgoing speech as president of the organization.

She focused on 3 key points for small businesses to keep in mind, especially in this challenging economy. They apply to those in the middle of a job search as well.

1. Attitude

2. Action

3. Accountability

Enough said. It is going to be ok.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


One of the greatest benefits of going through a focused job search is the opportunity to be exposed to new people, new ideas, and new ways of thinking.

Yesterday I took time to do just that, attending the Indianapolis Productivity Summit sponsored by Slaughter Development. Knowing my situation, Robby Slaughter was nice enough to provide me with a free ticket to the event.

Focusing on four relevant workplace topics, Robby guided us through the what, the why, and the how for improving productivity at various levels of the organization.

One of the most interesting discussions of the day was Scott Emmett's presentation on Servant Leadership. I've been reading a lot lately on the qualities of good leadership. But Scott's points regarding servant leadership struck a chord, and I think are applicable to everyone on both a professional and personal level.

1. Know your people and/or your staff.

2. Look out for others as well as yourself.

3. Be happy with those that are happy, and sad with those that are sad.

4. We are intended to serve one another.

Four simple concepts that can make a big difference in your life and the lives of those around you.

Are you a servant leader?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Power of Networking


Over the last 7 weeks it's amazing how this concept has taken over my life.

It's seems no matter what I read or what I attend, this simple little concept is repeated over and over.

Network, network, network.

If you want to find a job in this challenging market, networking is key. Because you never know when - through networking - you'll make a connection with an individual that will lead you right smack to your next new job opportunity.

So I'm networking.

- I've joined LinkedIn. See my profile here.
- I've joined Smaller Indiana. See my profile here.
- I've joined Indiana Business Network. See my profile here.
- I'm attending Chamber of Commerce events.
- I'm attending events for Smaller Indiana.
- I'm attending events for Network of Women in Business.
- I'm attending any relevant seminar, class, event that comes across my computer.

All so I can make that one priceless connection leading to my next new job opportunity.

It seems everyone is talking about networking. I read a post today from Erik Deckers related to both the personal and professional benefits of networking. Maybe I should network with Erik.

Are you the connection to the connection that can lead to my next new job opportunity? If so, let's network!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Today's the Day

Today is the 1st day of my blog and day 50 of my job search. I never thought it would happen to me (the job search, that is) but apparently managment thought differently and now here I am.

The world is a different place from this side. I've always worked, so I don't know quite how to accept the idea of getting up in the morning with no place to go.

But I can't look back, I need to look forward.

So I go to work everyday, looking for a job. Looking for a job is not how it sounds. If only it were around the corner, or behind the tree in the back yard.

No, looking for a job is a very different concept, one that's taken me 50 days to start to get my arms around.

Looking for a job is a job.

So that's what I'm doing. I'm quickly becoming connected through all forms of social media. I'm attending seminars, I'm hanging out with the Chamber of Commerce, I'm doing breakfast, lunch, and appetizing to meet the next contact that will introduce me to the next contact that will introduce me to my next job.

Hopefully soon.

In the meantime, I draw inspiration from things I read, or see, or hear about that put a positive spin on the entire situation.

Like the Indianapolis Colts. Take a look at the video on their website. The Colts may not know me by name, but I know they thought of me.

That's inspiring.

Now back to my job.