One of the blogs I enjoy following belongs to author and designer Ali Edwards, who is known for her unique approach to scrapbooking about everyday life. "I started scrapbooking in 2002 as a way to organize all the stuff I collected after the birth of my son. It has become so much more than an organizational process for me - it has let me find my own personal passion and voice. It has become all about the process of capturing life and creating art."
In January 2007, Ali started a public tradition of selecting a single word to focus on for the coming year, with the idea that the word will have an impact on your entire life. As Ali writes, "Maybe you want to invite something or maybe you are hoping to subtract something. Maybe your word will be practical or hopeful or creative or fanciful. Maybe you need a big word, something in-your-face that will challenge you everyday. Maybe you need something smaller and quieter that will whisper gentle tidings as you make your way throughout the year. "
Ali's word for 2010 is story.
I've decided I'm going to pick a word for 2010 too. I have a few ideas, and hope to reveal my word later this month. Something that will challenge me, direct me, and provide hope for me as I begin this new year and decade.
If you had to choose a word for 2010, what would it be?
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