If you enjoy entertaining and you like to create fun festive party atmospheres, then you need to explore Hostess with the Mostess.
Jennifer Sbranti has created a fun to explore blog with all sorts of tips and ideas for festive parties.
These aren't just any parties.
These are events, coordinated down to the last jelly belly and m&m.
The site features fabulously coordinated tablescapes. Perfectly themed favors. Mouth watering recipes.
And sprinkled in among all the terrific inspiration are surprise product giveaways.
If that's not enough, you will find links to even more websites with even more entertaining ideas.
And if you're like me, you'll be sucked into looking at all these wonderful blogs and websites, wanting more and more and more.
It's definitely time to throw a party...
Oh, do enjoy the party.... love your fun sweet treats! Off to read some of your past posts... Have a happy weekend!